Newly promoted Executive Director dishes on details of UICA + KCAD merger

by Tori Pelz This article is informed by two separate interviews with Miranda Krajniak, one given before the merger was made public, and then one following the news. “So, you wanna talk about the merger?” Visibly relaxed compared to the poised and press-release prepped executive we saw at Friday’s announcement, Miranda Krajniak sat down with … Continue reading

Lisa Walcott: “Less Still” at Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum

by Tori Pelz The Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum’s first Artist Studio Series exhibit opens this Friday with the kinetic sculpture installations of Holland-based artist, Lisa Walcott. The pieces in “Less Still,” Walcott’s first museum, show are museum-scaled iterations of earlier works. However, the visual impact and general mood of these larger works is … Continue reading

Detroit artist takes on German black hole

by Tori Pelz I met Amy Smith Garofano in Africa when I was 16. We were both culture-vores who wanted to change the world. Not much has changed. Amy, now a visual artist, just graduated from Cranbrook. This week she joined a team of designers and architects to take part in a 72-hour urban design … Continue reading