Watching You Watch Art: Gallery Guard Reflections

What would galleries and museums look like if we were truly trying to be accessible to everyone, all year long? What would our community look like if we didn’t wait for ArtPrize to actively invite everyone into our spaces, make them welcome, and provide educational opportunities for them to take the next step in engaging with the art offered? What do we need to do in both design and marketing to make this possible?

Drew Damron Transforms Grand Rapids Into a Role-Playing Game

by Zachary Johnson With GRpg, Drew Damron single-handedly turns Grand Rapids, Michigan into a Super Nintendo-style role playing game. And like game designer Shigesato Itoi, who took inspiration from his relationship with an absent father, Kurt Vonnegut, and his young daughter’s handwriting when creating Earthbound for SNES, Damrom inserts his own life into GRpg. While … Continue reading

Reconsidering the Commonplace: Jihyun Hong’s (extra)ordinary at UICA

Jihyun Hong invites us to see everyday objects not by their familiar functions … but as the interesting visual objects that they really are.